Season 2 of HYROX CLUB is here!

In January 2024 clients and coaches from BEAT Fitness set off on a 12 week training journey finishing with smiles on the finish line at HYROX Berlin!

Our next challenge is Hyrox Valencia on the 23rd November 2024 and the HYROX Club starts on 31st August 2024 - perfect timing to kickstart your rentrée fitness plan!

If you want to:

  • Feel more energized
  • Have more motivation
  • Build some muscle
  • Have some accountability
  • Make new friends
  • Get trained by top coaches
  • Finish 2024 feeling strong

Then this challenge is for you!


HYROX is the world's fastest growing fitness event. HYROX combines both running and functional workout stations, where participants run 1km, followed by 1 functional workout station, repeated eight times.

Learn more with our HYROX Guide:


HYROX Valencia 2024 is completely sold out - but we have event tickets for our BEAT Fitness family!

We chose Valencia because it’s a beautiful city break destination and there are convenient flights from Geneva. And because it’s the perfect timing for a 12 week training block just as you need that rentrée motivation.

HYROX Valencia is a two day event and we have tickets for Singles and Doubles on Saturday 23rd November


HYROX CLUB is a 12 week training block to help you arrive at HYROX Valencia feeling confident and powerful.

Each week you’ll learn more about the different HYROX workouts, learn techniques and tactics and feel your confidence and fitness growing.

If you need a challenge that scares you a bit and a community that supports you a lot then HYROX CLUB is for you.

  • x12 Weekly HYROX CLUB Classes at BEAT Fitness
  • x3 Monthly HYROX CLUB Fitness Test Events at BEAT Fitness
    • = 15 total HYROX sessions over 12 weeks
  • HYROX CLUB Guide
    • Intro to HYROX
    • 12 Week Training plan including running plan
    • Event guide 
    • Travel plan
  • BEAT Fitness T Shirt
  • Private STRAVA Club
  • Supportive Community

HYROX CLUB:         CHF 449.-


CHF 449.- in x4 installments:

  • 1st Installment to secure your spot CHF 149.-
  • Followed by x3 monthly installments of CHF 100.- (1.9.24 / 1.10.24 / 1.11.24)

or save 10% when you make 1 payment of 399.- now

  • When:         
    • 31.8.2024    Kick off event at BEAT Fitness 
    • 4.9.2024    Start of weekly classes on Wednesday at 19:15 with Lucile 
    • 28.9.2024    Mini HYROX at BEAT
    • 26.10.24    Mini HYROX at BEAT
    • 23.11.2024    HYROX Valencia
  • Why:         Build self confidence, strength and fitness over 12 weeks this Autumn!
  • Cost:        
    • CHF 449.- in x4 installments or
    • CHF 449.- in 1 payment

Places are on a first come first served basis limited to just 12 spots:


Pay 149.- now then 3x 100.-
Valid only for HYROX CLUB
classes from 31.8 au 22.11.24

         HYROX SAVE -10%          

1 Payment now
Valid only for HYROX CLUB
classes from 31.8 to 22.11.24

"I am in for the CLUB but not the event"

You can join the HYROX club if you don’t plan to actually take part in Valencia! You’ll still get the benefits of community, a progressive training plan and weekly accountability!

"I am in for the CLUB and HYROX Valencia!"

If you want the satisfaction of crossing the finishing line in Valancia and enjoying a city break with the HYROX CLUB then you will need an event ticket. We have tickets for resale at face value for HYROX Club members - simply indicate if you need a ticket in your Sign Up Form.


HYROX CLUB is a 12 Week progressive training program for beginners starting on Saturday 31st August 2024 with fixed day once a week training sessions on Wednesday. Every month the whole club will meet on a Saturday for a fitness test where we’ll cheer each other on and celebrate our progress together.

Unlike our regular drop in classes at BEAT, in the HYROX CLUB you’ll need to commit to a day when you are going to train each week. It’s perfect if you need structure, commitment, accountability and a feeling of belonging to help you achieve your fitness goals.


This summer we’re offering you the chance to discover HYROX with our TRY HYROX Classes

The TRY HYROX classes are the perfect opportunity to take the first step, ask questions and meet new friends. Consider them a warm up before HYROX CLUB starts on Saturday 31.8.2024.

The classes are bookable with your regular credits and membership every Wednesday at 19:15 from Wednesday 17th July.


Q: I can’t make some of the dates
A: Don’t worry. Whilst it’s ideal to be able to attend all the sessions it’s not essential.  We know life throws curveballs so we know you might not make every session. 

You will receive a full 12 week training plan worth CHF 549.- that includes

  • Opportunity to take x1 HYROX CLUB class per week on your assigned day
  • Recommendations for what complimentary classes to take at BEAT 
  • Full running plan
  • Opportunity to measure your progress at one of the x3 fitness test events
  • Logistical support to help you enter and travel to the race with our BEAT Fitness HYROX CLUB Team

Q: I can’t be in Valencia on 23.11.2024
A: There are other opportunities to take part in a HYROX event in November or December and even if you don’t take part in a HYROX event you will feel fitter, healthier and happier after a dedicated 12 week training block!

Q: I’ve never done HYROX before and have no idea if I’m fit enough.
A: Our programme is aimed at beginners who have never done (or even heard of HYROX) before. We have the knowledge and equipment to help you prepare so that you’ll feel excited and confident on the start line. HYROX is for Every Body. You can take part on your own, with your friend in a Double.

Q: Can I take part with friends?
A: Yes! HYROX is a social mass participation event! You can join our HYROX CLUB with friends and take part as individuals, or form a Double.

Q: What’s the travel plan to get to Valencia?
A: Our HYROX CLUB Early Bird offer includes a full event and travel guide to take the logistics questions out of your hands so you can focus on the challenge! 

Q: Should I sign up for HYROX Valencia now?
A: Tickets are fully sold out on the public website. We have tickets for HYROX CLUB members - fill in the sign up form and we’ll match you to our available tickets.

Q: What happens if I get injured and can’t complete the 12 week course?
A: Our plan is a 12 week progressive plan to take you from zero to smiling on the finish line. But if you do get injured and have a medical certificate exempting you from sport we can help you recover with a prorated refund.

Q: Can I take part using existing credits?
A: Our TRY HYROX classes in Summer 2024 are accessible with your normal Pay-As-You-Go credits or Membership credits. To benefit from the 12 week training programme you need to join the HYROX CLUB. 

Q: I already have a membership - Do I need to cancel it to join the HYROX CLUB ?
A: No need ! You can absolutely keep your membership and complement the Hyrox Club ! Hyrox Club is 1x per week and we'll give you a plan to workout up to 5 days a week. The group classes at BEAT will help you reach your goals. If you are not sure what to do, book a Goal Review so we can help you figure out the best way to do it.

As part of the HYROX CLUB you are helping us build our new HYROX studio - many of you will have seen that renovation has started! We’re investing in affiliation to become an official HYROX PARTNER GYM, we’re investing in training coaches, renovating and equipping the studio with all the specialist equipment that you’ll come to know and love. 

As a member of the HYROX CLUB you have the chance to help us build a community of happier and healthier people like you who are surpassing their limits.



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