The HALF HYROX challenge at BEAT Fitness is for you whether you are

  • Training for a HYROX event and looking for a challenge to test your fitness
  • Intrigued by HYROX CLUB VALENCIA but want to try an event first
  • Want to stay committed to your fitness plan over summer
  • Want to take on a challenge with a friend
  • Or just need a bit of pressure to feel a bit fitter!

So, what exactly is HYROX? Picture this: a dynamic combination of functional fitness and endurance, all wrapped up in a high-energy, community-driven event. It's like a fitness festival where participants conquer a series of specially designed workout stations, each targeting different muscle groups. 

From rowing to burpees, sled pushes to kettlebells, HYROX is a full-body experience that keeps you on your toes, literally!

Learn more with our BEAT Fitness HYROX Guide:


HYROX is the fastest growing fitness challenge in the world. The unique combination of running and workout stations places a priority on a balanced and consistent training routine that includes both cardio and strength.

Take on the HALF HYROX challenge of x5 500m runs and x5 HYROX stations:

  1. 500m run
  2. Ski erg 750m
  3. 500m run
  4. Sled push 48m (102kg Women - 152 kg Men)
  5. 500m run
  6. Row 750m 
  7. 500m run
  8. Sandbag lunges 80m (10kg Women / 20kg Men)
  9. 500m run
  10. Wall balls x80 @ 6kg men / 60 @ 4kg women

HYROX can be completed in a team of two or as an individual:


Take on the challenge with a teammate! You’ll both be doing all the running and then sharing the work in the workout stations as you wish! If you are a mixed double (man and woman) you'll be using the mens requirements. Rest assured that we will offer adjustements of course !


Challenge yourself to take on this challenge as a springboard to your best summer yet!

  • When:         Saturday 10th August 
    • 09:45     Briefing
    • 10:00    Waves depart every 5 minutes
  • Why:         Because you love a challenge to motivate you!
  • Cost:        30.- per team or 20.- as an individual
  • How:        Sign up as a team of two (Doubles) or an individual below (Singles)
    • 1. Buy your event ticket below
    • 2. Register with the Sign Up Form

Get your HALF HYROX tickets now:


CHF 30.-
One Team of Two People
Valid only for HALF HYROX
on Saturday 10th August


CHF 20.-
Valid only for HALF HYROX
on Saturday 10th August

Q: How should I train?
A: HYROX is 50% running so the best combination is our Monday night RUN CLUB and our HYROX classes. Cardio based workouts like BOXE and RIDE help build endurance and HIIT is a great simulation of the full body strength and endurance needed.

Q: I don’t have a partner - can I still enter the Doubles?
A: Yes! Simply buy a Single ticket and indicate on the Sign Up Form that you would like us to match you with a partner.

Q: Is this the same as HYROX CLUB?
A: No - the HALF HYROX challenge is a one-off event at BEAT Fitness Lausanne - you can train for it in our dedicated drop in HYROX classes and all our classes help build the fitness you need. The combination of the drop i n classes and the HALF HYROX challenge is a great way to see if you like HYROX before joining the HYROX CLUB! 

The HYROX CLUB is a 12 week training programme aimed at the challenge of HYROX Valencia in November. Training starts in September and you can sign up now!

Q: What happens if I get injured and can’t take part in the event?
A: Our goal is to give you a short term target to motivate you to be consistent this summer. But if you do get injured and have a medical certificate exempting you from sport we can help you recover with a 50% refund on your entry ticket to cover our administrative costs.

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